Jak podporovat a rozvíjet matematicky nadané děti

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CERGE-EI vás zve na veřejnou přednášku (v anglickém jazyce) s diskusí: How to encourage and develop mathematically gifted children / Jak podporovat a rozvíjet matematicky nadané děti

Keynote speaker: Patrick Gaule

In-person and on-line attendance options are available. The event will be in English.

Register here/Registrujte se zde: https://bit.ly/GIFTEDIDEA2024

The event will take place on May 15, 2024 from 2pm to 4pm at CERGE-EI. Prague 1. Politických vězňů 7, room 402 on the 4th floor.


  • What are the best ways to support mathematically gifted children?
  • Possible approaches include grade-skipping, in-person training camps, tutoring, weekly math circles, and specialized schools.
  • Inspiration sparked by the Global Talent Lab and Global Talent Network projects offering virtual courses for gifted children and evaluating their impact.

The event is organized as a part of Talent – A joint project of the RSJ Foundation and IDEA of CERGE-EI

Contact: Eva Peňázová, eva.penazova@cerge-ei.cz, tel: +(420) 602 698 440

Zdroj: https://idea.cerge-ei.cz/zpravy/how-to-encourage-and-develop-mathematically-gifted-children